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Nikon D90

Nikon D90 

he development of technology in today world is more advanced. Imagine that at-large cameras in the past can be smaller in today and has many great function. The camera uses the film is now replaced by using a memory card.

Many of the major camera manufacturers that we can find, like an example Nikon, Canon, Sony and others. Nikon has long been famous for its brand of cameras produce digital SLR. Now I want to tell you about Nikon camera that is Nikon D90.

Nikon D90 has a 12.3-megapixel sensor, a sensitivity that is due the same as D300 (ISO 200 to 3200). Resolution D90 overcome the resolution D300. Other upgrades to the D90 is the D90 has a high resolution LCD screen 3-inch, 920,000-pixel color and has a point of view of 170 degrees is better found in the D3 and D300. Besides, the D90 using the live view mode much easier.

D90 also comes with live function view where we see the display in the big-screen cameras. Features of this view like also comes with a movie mode function. Although the recording function is not long,  ask yourself .. if you are want to record not to capture .. I think you should buying a camcorders? Right?

You are always facing a problem, especially dust? Nikon D90 comes up with the sensor cleaning. Although not yet cleared all the dust but there is better than no cleaning at all?

In conclusion, if you still looking out what digital SLR cameras do you want to buy especially brand from Nikon. I recommend you buy the Nikon D90, although it is expensive from D3000 and D3100. You must be satisfied for not making the wrong choice.

Many of my friends who buy nikon D3000,only lasted a while because they want more function in their camera. If you are new of using digital SLR and dont want to upgrade..yet..Nikon d90 is perfect for you.

Here the basic specification about Nikon D90. Cames up with kit lens(18-105mm) with different price. Shutter speed from 30-1/4000 and max aperture 3.5. Using memory card type SD/SDHC.

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